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Adjunct Vitamin D Therapy as a Means to Reduce the Disparity in Subclinical Target Organ Cardiac Damage among Vulnerable Hypertensive Patients
WSU Dataset

Alternate Titles(s): AdDReach

UID: 6

Author(s): Phillip Levy

The objective of this phase II/III randomized clinical trial is to evaluate the efficacy of vitamin D therapy versus placebo in vitamin D-deficient African-Americans with hypertension, including investigating the relationship between vitamin D and cardiac damage (as identified on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) in a vitamin D-deficient hypertensive patients without prior history of heart disease. Data include cardiac MRI and echocardiography data, lab results (e.g., vitamin D, CBC), and patient characteristics (e.g., vital signs, demographics, health insurance, education level, household income, hypertension drug and vitamin D treatment adherence, dietary intake, sun exposure).
2011 - 2015
Subject Domain
Population Age
Adult (18 to 64 years)
Senior (65 to 79 years)
Access Restrictions
Application required
Access Instructions
Potential users can request access to the data by contacting the author.
Associated Publications
Data Type
Clinical Measures
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Grant Support
1R01MD005849-01A1/National Institutes of Health
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